nature of Alexander’s relationship with Hephaistion completely fascinates me.
whether they were lovers (for the novel, I've assumed that), but the honesty, duration, and sheer depth of it.
called Hephaistion “Alexander too,” and “Philalexandros”—friend of Alexander,
in contrast to one of his other generals, Krateros, who he called only
“Philobasileus”—friend of the king.
it seems they did often agree on policy, his support wasn’t brown-nosing. We’re
explicitly informed that Hephaistion would tell Alexander what he really
thought. Nobody else was as free as he was to upbraid the king. Yet Alexander
never seemed to have felt threatened by him.
They were true best friends.
many rulers throughout history have had that? Someone who they utterly
trusted? And for about nineteen years, too. Maybe even longer (we’re not sure
when they met).
was this guy? What must he have been like, to become best friend to
Alexander the Great? I’ve spent much of my career studying him, and I’m
working on a biography about him now. But fiction lets me speculate in ways history
seems to me that a lot of novelists who write about Alexander aren’t entirely
sure what to do with Hephaistion. He winds up bland, or bitchy. It may
also be why at least some historians have a hard time believing he deserved his
commands. He had to have been a yes-man or Alexander wouldn’t have kept him so
close. Or he’s painted as Richelieu-esque, called “sinister,” and described as
“tall, handsome, spoilt, spiteful, overbearing, and fundamentally stupid.”
I’ve challenged these portrayals in my scholarship,
but believe a goodly chunk of the problem is trying to imagine the sort of man
who’d become “Alexander too,” without menacing the authority of such a dominant
figure as Alexander. I think Hephaistion was a gamma male. Pop
definitions can be found all over the net, but the term was born in
anthropology to describe the (few) male bonobo chimps who simply didn’t play
the game. While some pop definitions assume gamma males will always clash with
alphas because of a gamma’s dislike of authority, that’s only partly true. For
especially powerful and intelligent alpha males, gammas may be their only
true friends.
believe Alexander trusted Hephaistion because he was neither a follower nor a
leader, and he could keep up with him intellectually, shared his visions and
ideals. They had a mission together. All the best love affairs do. Far from
bland or bitchy, Hephaistion must have been complex and formidable. And theirs
is one of history’s most interesting love stories, even if we may not know a
whole lot about how it came to be.
that’s what fiction is for.